Rev Up the Fun: Road Trip Toys for an Adventure-Filled Journey

Rev Up the Fun: Road Trip Toys for an Adventure-Filled Journey

Going across country with your little ones can be a wonderful family adventure! But after the snacks have run out toddlers can sometimes get fidgety and restless. Here at So Handmade we have developed some portable and durable toys for taking traveling and keeping kids entertained.

My own son was one of these fidgety and restless kids! That’s when I first had the idea to make my own travel toys to keep him entertained in the car seat, on the plane or even just visiting grandma.

At So Handmade we have developed a range of portable travel play mats to keep kids and toddlers happy and engaged on a long journey. These travel toys fit comfortably onto the lap or tray table and are boundless in the worlds and stories that can be created.

Here is a list of the travel toys and play mats I recommend for some road trip fun!

travel toys for toddlers

Check out my free road trip activity pages to download instantly here: 

so handmade free road trip activities

So Handmade Road Trip Recommendations:


1)        Car Play Mat: Zoom and drive cars all over this interactive play mat. Add your favorite cars to the pockets and it rolls up to stow away in your travel bag.

car play mat, Address, playroom, details, security, bright, helpful


2)        Train Play Mat: Hours of fun to be had driving the wooden train all around the track and through the tunnel! And if you love the wooden train check out our Train Toy for 2 Year olds

train play mat


3)        Toy Car Storage: Perfect for small hot wheels sized cars it has 6 pockets and rolls up with them all inside! 

toy car storage

4)        Construction Play Mat: Comes with a wooden construction vehicle which is the perfect size for little hands to hold and drive around the construction zone 


Digger play mat


5)        Toy Car Mat: A lightweight play mat which stows neatly inside the pouch which also has space for storing your little ones favorite cars

Toy Car Storage by So Handmade


6)        Download my alphabet road trace to practice letters and numbers and drive around them using a candylab toy car. Great for older toddlers and preschoolers. I also have a ready printed Letters and Numbers Road Trace Activity Workbook here

road numbers

7) My Travel Wallet is perfect for older children on road trips to collect maps, tickets, postcards and other mementos and journal about their adventure.

adventure wallet


I also have a travel gift set here

travel gifts for kids

More Travel Toys Recommendations:

1. Busy Books We love this Plane one! 

plane busy book


2. Drawing Doodle Tablet Perfect analog tablet for doodling and drawing 

doodle pad


3. Water wow book Color with no mess involved! 

water wow book


4. I Spy Books Great for spending hours looking and finding 

I spy book

5. Fidget Toys for fidgety kids 

fidget toy

6. Sticker books this Melissa and Doug one is a favorite 

sticker book


Benefits of Road Trip Toys: Developing Fine Motor Skills

 Having a good supply of travel toys can have many benefits:

1)        Keeps the child happy and engaged on a long journey

2)        Encourages imaginative play

3)        Fosters creativity

4)        Fine motor skills

5)        Learning communication and storytelling skills

6)        Counting, number and alphabet recognition

7)        Hand eye coordination


Having a great travel toy handy can also help to promote fine motor skills on the go and help the little one start to learn to read like my Alphabet Learning Toy

I also have an uppercase one here: ABC Play Mat 


alphabet toy by So Handmade

Why Relying on Screens Only Isn’t the Answer

It's so easy to rely on giving little ones screens on long trips but relying on them for the whole journey isn’t the best idea. We all know the detrimental effects long term screen time can have on developing minds.

With my own kids we decided the use the balanced approach and although allowed them for short periods to mirror their own routines at home (such as their favorite show before story time and bed.)

Using travel toys, play mats and other creative toys during the times of day where the kids are normally being active and engaged in meaningful play helps to keep a routine while traveling. It also helps to stimulate their mind to equal amounts as a normal day would.

Tips For Least Stressful Road Trips:

  • Factor in the time of day you are making your trip if possible to coincide with their natural nap time. As much as you can try and stick to the same routine for eating meals, and pre nap routines so they can fall asleep easily. For example if you usually read them a story before nap do the same in the car.
  • Pack lots of healthy snacks, buying food on the road is always challenging to get the healthy alternatives from the gas stations and remember a non-spillable water bottle for everyone 
  • Have a change of clothes handy, for all the family!  Pack cleaning wipes and a bag for garbage so you can keep the car mess to a minimum!
  • A portable potty was a must for us. It saved us many times on road trips when we didn’t have time to find public bathrooms
  • Download some audio books before you leave. These are great to have on in the background and fun for all the family. A road trip family favorite of ours is Matilda
  • Plan some spots to break up the journey. Make sure they include a play ground or park- somewhere for the little to run! Have a little picnic! Here's my toddler utensil set and play mat:
Zero Waste Utensils,
  • You can even wrap these up or have them solve a puzzle or question to get a reward.
  • Revive some old games you and your parents used to play as a kid, like 'eye spy' etc. We also love singing along to old classic songs in the car and I have fond memories of doing this as a kid with my own parents.

  • I also have this awesome giant coloring page with it great to bring for entertaining your toddlers at your destination!  I also have a printable version of the giant construction coloring page here!

Planning Is The Key!

Going on a big trip with your little one in tow can be a stressful experience but with the right planning and having the best travel toys in your arsenal will definitely help to make the journey as fun and memorable as possible.

I hope you like the ideas I have given you.

Have a memorable and enjoyable road trip with your kiddos!

Share your adventures with me @sohandmadellc


Reviews of Our Road Trip Toys: "Kept my kids entertained all the way there!"


so handmade travel toy reviews


Download My Free Road Trip Printables:

I made these great road trip activity sheets for your next trip. These include Road Trip Bingo to spot different things on your journey, a summer bucket list and also some other fun activities to do on the move. Road Trip Printables

free road trip printables


road trip printables for kids


 If you liked this blog check out my Toddler Travel Tips and Travel Toys and our collection of Road Trip Toys here


Shop Travel Toys To Suit Every Age Here:

best travel toys for 18 month old

travel toys for 2 year olds

travel toys for 3 year olds

travel toys for 4 year olds

travel toys for 5 year olds and up 


Shop the story

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Traveling With Toddlers

So handmade range of travel toys are ideal companions for your travels, dining outings, or visits to Grandma's house.

Active toddlers and preschoolers often have abundant energy to expend while waiting at restaurants, during flights, or car rides. Being on the move shouldn't hinder their enjoyment of imaginative play!

The idea is straightforward: provide children with tangible toys suitable for play anywhere, ensuring they're portable and easy to manage.

Offering handmade toys as an option empowers kids to unleash their creativity, filling in colors and sounds against the canvas of a simple roadmap.

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