So Handmade Gift Card: "Surprise someone special!"

$25.00 USD

Not sure if your loved one likes trains or dinos? Can't decide between crayons and pencils? Worried about it getting there on time?

Instead why not get a gift card and let the little one decide what they would like best.

Choose how much you would like to spend and its value will be used against future orders.

Once purchased you will receive an email that contains a unique gift card code that can be used at checkout to redeem its value.

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Travel Toys for Toddlers

About SO Handmade

Hi, I'm Sarah Omura, founder of SO Handmade. I started SO Handmade when my children were toddlers. I wanted to make interesting and fun toys for them that would spark their imagination -- so I made them.

Turns out, it's not just my kids that love them. My toys are aimed to inspire children's creativity, imagination, and help them appreciate the world around them.

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Giving Back

A portion of my sales will be donated to Children In The Wilderness Namibia. It is an organization close to my heart and I am thrilled to be able to share its story and mission.

The program works with orphaned and vulnerable children from across Namibia giving them the opportunity to attend life changing fun and educational camps